Vvis.exe has stopped working
Vvis.exe has stopped working

Print "vrad.exe has terminated, press any key to return to the main menu." Open Pipe """" & sdkdir & "vrad.exe -game " & gamedir & " -mpi_worker " & masterip & " -low" & """" For Input As #1 Print "vvis.exe has terminated, press any key to return to the main menu." Open Pipe """" & sdkdir & "vvis.exe -game " & gamedir & " -mpi_worker " & masterip & " -low" & """" For Input As #1 Write #configfile, sdkdir, gamedir, masterip Open "vmpi_config.cfg" For Output As #configfile

vvis.exe has stopped working

Print "Input the IP address of the master machine. Print "Be sure to not use a trailing backslash '\'." Print "Input the path to any Source game directory containing 'gameinfo.txt'." Print "Input your Source SDK directory below without the trailing backslash '\'."

vvis.exe has stopped working

Print "Configuration file found: " & filename Print "Warning: vmpi_config.cfg does not exist. Input #configfile, sdkdir, gamedir, masterip Open "vmpi_config.cfg" For Input As #configfile

Vvis.exe has stopped working